API Documentation
Creating a market segment is easy with DeepDAO's API
Last updated
Creating a market segment is easy with DeepDAO's API
Last updated
DeepDAO’s marketing API allows our users to create market segmentations of voters across all DAOs listed on our platforms. </br> </br> The <b>create_marketing_list</b> call is where you start. Use it to create a new market segment of voters based on several criteria: </br> </br> * <b>Categories</b>: select from the DeepDAO categories those that make sense for your needs. You can select zero or multiple categories. If you select zero categories, we will include voters from all of them. </br> </br> * <b>Organizations</b>: In addition to categories, you can add voters from certain organizations that make sense for you. You can select zero or multiple organizations. If you select zero organizations, we will include voters from all of them. </br> </br> * <b>Treasury size</b>: if you select a minimum and / or maximum treasury size, we will include voters only from organizations within this treasury range. </br> </br> * <b>Governance platform</b>: you can restrict voters, so that they only voted on certain governance systems. For example you can choose Snapshot (off-chain), or Compound Governance (on-chain) or both, or all of the DeepDAO supported platforms. </br> </br> * <b>Start date / end date</b>: you can restrict your market segment to people (addresses) who voted only between two dates. </br> </br> <b>Note</b>: the listType parameter is currently not in use. You can ignore it. </br> </br> <b>Which wallet addresses are eligible for being included in my marketing list?</b> The marketing list you created is a segment of confirmed voters. Each person (address) included in DeepDAO’s marketing segments, voted at least once in a DAO. </br> </br> <b>How do I reach the people on my list?</b></br> There are several options. </br> </br> * Use our is_address_in_marketing_list call to check if an address is included in your list. </br> </br> * Use DeepDAO’s platform to contact these people (addresses) directly through notifications, or banners. Please write to us at info@deepdao.io for more information. </br> </br> * Use any of the address to address chat apps, or address to address mail apps (you can find some of them in DeepDAO’s Tools dashboard) to contact them directly.
description of the list.
DeFi and NFT voters from Gnosis and ENS
type of the list (user defined)
DeFi and NFT voters
the start date of a timeframe.
the end date of a timeframe.
list of categories by uuid
list of governance platforms by number
minimum treasury size of users' organizations
maximum treasury size of users' organizations
list of organizations by uuid
No body
Check if an address is included in a specific marketing list you created.
white list id